Locally Owned Family Business

Vapor Barrier

Stay dry and comfortable with vapor barrier solutions from Freedom Crawlspace Services.

Hidden Dangers of Spray Foam Insulation


The Hidden Dangers: Spray Foam Insulation and Concealed Moisture Intrusion/Termite Damage While spray foam insulation offers numerous benefits for your crawlspace, it's essential to be aware of potential challenges that may arise when using this type of insulation. One such concern is how spray foam insulation can conceal moisture intrusion and termite damage, making it imperative to remain vigilant in maintaining your crawlspace's health. Concealed Moisture Intrusion: Spray foam insulation's exceptional sealing properties can be a double-edged sword. While it effectively prevents outside air and moisture from infiltrating your crawlspace, it can also trap existing moisture inside. This trapped moisture [...]

Hidden Dangers of Spray Foam Insulation2023-10-23T02:56:08-04:00

Benefits of Installing a Crawlspace Vapor Barrier


Protect Your Charlotte Home & Learn The Benefits of Installing a Crawlspace Vapor Barrier for Charlotte Homeowners As proud residents of Charlotte, NC, we understand homeowners' unique challenges in preserving their properties amidst the region's varying climate conditions. Your crawlspace, often overlooked but crucial to your home's well-being, requires extra attention to combat moisture-related issues that can impact your foundation and indoor air quality. At Freedom Crawlspace Services, your premier crawlspace contractor in Charlotte, we emphasize the importance of installing a crawlspace vapor barrier to ensure a healthier living environment and safeguard your investment.  Charlotte's Moisture Control Solution: Charlotte's humid [...]

Benefits of Installing a Crawlspace Vapor Barrier2023-10-23T02:56:35-04:00

Guide to Installing a Crawlspace Vapor Barrier


Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Crawlspace Vapor Barrier: Do's and Don'ts A crawlspace vapor barrier is vital in protecting your home from excess moisture and potential structural issues. Installing a vapor barrier can help create a dry and healthy crawlspace environment, safeguarding your property's longevity and your family's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of installing a crawlspace vapor barrier, covering the essential do's and don'ts to ensure a successful and effective installation. Step 1: Pre-Installation Preparation Do: Inspect the Crawlspace: Before starting the installation, thoroughly inspect the crawlspace for any existing moisture issues, [...]

Guide to Installing a Crawlspace Vapor Barrier2023-10-23T02:56:51-04:00

Components of a Crawlspace Dehumidifier


Understanding the Components of a Crawlspace Dehumidifier: A Comprehensive Guide by Freedom Crawlspace Services As the proud owners of a premier crawlspace contractor company in Charlotte, North Carolina, we are dedicated to providing top-notch crawlspace solutions to maintain a healthy and moisture-free environment in your home. We understand the significance of moisture control in preserving your property's structural integrity and ensuring your family's well-being. One of the key components of our crawlspace moisture control systems is the crawlspace dehumidifier. In this article, we'll provide a detailed exploration of the components of a crawlspace dehumidifier and their essential roles in ensuring [...]

Components of a Crawlspace Dehumidifier2023-10-23T02:57:21-04:00

Do I Need Insulation After Professional Crawlspace Encapsulation


Do I Need Insulation After Professional Crawlspace Encapsulation? A Guide by Freedom Crawlspace Services Welcome to the Freedom Crawlspace Services blog! As a trusted crawlspace company based in Charlotte, North Carolina, we understand that homeowners are often curious about the next steps after crawlspace encapsulation. Once your crawlspace has been professionally encapsulated with a vapor barrier and sealed for moisture control, you might wonder whether additional insulation is necessary. In this article, we'll delve into the topic and provide insights to help you make an informed decision for your home. Understanding Crawlspace Encapsulation: Crawlspace encapsulation is a proven method to [...]

Do I Need Insulation After Professional Crawlspace Encapsulation2023-10-23T02:57:34-04:00

DIY vs. Professional Crawlspace Encapsulation


DIY vs. Professional Crawlspace Encapsulation: Making an Informed Choice for Your Home As a leading crawlspace contractor based in Charlotte, North Carolina, we understand the importance of a well-maintained and protected crawlspace. Crawlspace encapsulation is a crucial step in ensuring a healthy and energy-efficient home. But the question arises: should you tackle this project yourself or hire a professional crawlspace contractor? In this blog, we'll explore the differences between DIY and professional crawlspace encapsulation to help you make an informed decision for your home. DIY Crawlspace Encapsulation: DIY crawlspace encapsulation involves homeowners taking on the task of sealing their crawlspace [...]

DIY vs. Professional Crawlspace Encapsulation2023-10-23T02:57:47-04:00

The Ideal Moisture Levels and Temperature Conditions for a Crawlspace


The Ideal Moisture Levels and Temperature Conditions for a Crawlspace The ideal moisture levels and temperature conditions for a crawlspace depend on several factors, including the climate in your region, the design of your home, and the intended use of the crawlspace. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you maintain a healthy and well-protected crawlspace environment: Moisture Levels: Relative Humidity: The ideal relative humidity in a crawlspace is typically between 40% to 60%. This range helps prevent excess moisture that can lead to mold growth, wood rot, and pest infestations. Moisture Content of Materials: The moisture content [...]

The Ideal Moisture Levels and Temperature Conditions for a Crawlspace2023-10-23T02:58:13-04:00

Crawlspace Encapsulation Can increase Indoor Air Quality


Enhancing Indoor Air Quality with Crawlspace Encapsulation: Your Charlotte, NC Solution As the premier crawlspace encapsulation services in Charlotte, NC, we at Freedom Crawlspace Services are dedicated to providing homeowners with solutions beyond the surface. Indoor air quality can ultimately play a significant role in the health and well-being of your family, and a properly encapsulated crawlspace can have a remarkable impact on the air you breathe. There is a connection between crawlspace encapsulation and indoor air quality and our expert services can create a healthier living environment for you and your loved ones. The Link Between Indoor Air Quality [...]

Crawlspace Encapsulation Can increase Indoor Air Quality2023-10-23T02:59:05-04:00

Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Crawlspace Encapsulation


Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Crawlspace Encapsulation: Create a Healthier Home Environment Encapsulating your crawlspace is a proactive and cost-effective way to improve your home's energy efficiency, prevent moisture-related issues, and enhance indoor air quality. While seeking professional assistance is recommended for complex projects, a DIY crawlspace encapsulation can be a rewarding endeavor for homeowners with basic construction skills. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of DIY crawlspace encapsulation, providing you with the knowledge and confidence to transform your crawlspace into a healthier and more efficient living space. Step 1: Assessment and Preparation Before you [...]

Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Crawlspace Encapsulation2023-07-24T20:54:27-04:00

Crawlspace Encapsulation and Home Energy Efficiency


The Role of Crawlspace Encapsulation in Home Energy Efficiency: A Smart Investment At Freedom Crawlspace Services, a trusted crawlspace contractor in Charlotte, NC, we firmly believe in the importance of creating a healthy and energy efficient home environment for our customers. One of the most effective ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce utility bills is through crawlspace encapsulation. In this blog, we will explore the significant role of crawlspace encapsulation in enhancing home energy efficiency and how our professional services can transform your living space into an energy-saving haven. Understanding Crawlspace Encapsulation Crawlspace encapsulation is a comprehensive process that [...]

Crawlspace Encapsulation and Home Energy Efficiency2023-10-23T02:59:16-04:00
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